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last updated August 17, 2023

Welcome to the newest version of Clinical Copilot. We hope that you find it both helpful and informative in your practice of medicine. Lower down in this document you will find more detailed instructions on the usage of the various features and controls provided by the Clinical Copilot. We'd like to highlight some of the current features and limitations.


  1. Freeform case input - narrative, bulleted, or simple collection of signs and symptoms
  2. Ability to query, via chat, about any information contained in the underlying evidence base
  3. Diagnostic way-finding via suggested next-best-actions, e.g. signs and symptoms to look for, lab tests to perform
  4. Ability to test potential diagnostic hypotheses


  1. Chat is limited to the underlying evidence base. Ability to ask queries about the case notes to be released shortly.
  2. Only clinical factors related to conditions in the evidence base are highlighted. This will be changed in a future release.
  3. The display of vital signs and lab results entered in the case note is currently disabled.
  4. Chrome is the preferred browser. There has been minimal testing done on other browsers.
  5. The Clinical Copilot does not currently provide for the enumeration of multiple comorbidities. This feature is under development.
  6. The recognition of drugs is currently limited. Full integration of drug data is under development.

We hope you enjoy using the Clinical Copilot and look forward to your feedback.

-- The Team at RecoverX

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