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last updated October 6, 2023

Append to Notes

Adding new text at the bottom of the center pane (Case Note) now appends to the current note for the patient instead of creating a new note. The allows notes to be built up incrementally instead of requiring them all to be entered as a single block of text.

Additional notes for the same patient can be created using the + button located below the currently entered text.

Clinical Chat Improvements

Relevancy of responses to queries by users have been improved.

Natural Language Processing Improvements

Improvements in the recognition of the temporality (past or present), negation (has or doesn't have), and experiencer (patient or other) for clinical concepts, especially for concepts that have non-adjacent words or phrases.

Under the covers

  1. Factor extraction response time has been improved
  2. The knowledge graph and all of the computational engines have been updated to the most recent US release of SNOMED (2023-09-01)

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